2021 ASA DataFest@UofT

Thank you for your interest in ASA DataFest 2021 at U of T!

The 2021 ASA DataFest@UofT will take place virtually from April 28 to May 2. This year’s DataFest will have students analyze data for industry professionals.

Teams of U of T undergraduate students need to apply on or by April 16 11:59pm ET here: https://forms.office.com/r/Jgum1g739M

Spots are limited! Students must be U of T undergrads. Students can be from any campus, faculty, department, etc. Preference will go to teams of senior students and teams of size 3 or 4.

We will notify successful teams of their invitation to compete in DataFest 2021 on or by Wednesday April 21, 2021. 

Prizes will be awarded mid-May!